All features listing

See what makes FiboFilters unique

Essentials - -
Filtering FiboFilters makes use of store’s categories for filtering; the main goal is to instantly get rid of irrelevant data, and to display a comprehensible list of products for your customers
Faceting The main tool all ecommerce goers can use to refine search results to those matching their preferences; faceted search is a way to zero in on products and search results in a targeted way that’s not feasible or possible when using broad-based filters; a good example is targeting particular laptop features (RAM, CPU, storage) to narrow down the general “laptop” category search
Access to Updates As with FiboSearch, we offer easy and constant access to plugin updates as long as you pay the yearly subscription fee; you can update the plugin conveniently from your WordPress dashboard
Technical Support Our current users are always stunned by our stellar support; since launching FiboSearch, our first Fibo plugin, we’ve exchanged 20 000 + emails with our users and solved more than 10 000 issues. We create software for people, so support is our foundation.
User Experience - -
Content-aware filters Only filters that match a particular category will be displayed.
Counters Instant numeric feedback on how many products will be presented when choosing a particular filter.
More/Less Values When the number of values per filter exceeds 7, excess values are hidden and the “Show more options” button is presented.
Immediate filtering FiboFilters is built with speed in mind, and we put ad-hoc filtering at the core of the plugin.
Lightning speed The filtering algorithm optimized to be virtually unnoticeable for your customers.
Elegant Design Lightweight and clutter-free.
Mobile Layout Filters designed with mobile devices in mind from the ground up.
Horizontal Layout Easily accessible filters for mobile devices; customers no longer need to use tricky sidears, which often are overlooked.
Vertical Layout
UI Elements - -
Categories Instantly cuts out irrelevant data and offers an easily digestible number of results.
Checkboxes A list of checkboxes where customers can make multiple choices; best suited for non-visual types of product data where customers need to select more than one option at a time, for example size, brand, model etc
Radio Customers select only one option at a time; best suited for data where only one reasonable variable should be assigned, like availability .
Number Range Three elements: “max” and “min” input boxes, a slider, and range presented as a “radio” button. In the settings, you can decide what elements will be displayed.
Toggle Toggle type filter for boolean data source; allows customers to narrow the search to products which have one specific value assigned, like “on sale”.
Backend - -
Filter Creator Intuitive and UX-friendly interface, similar to the WordPress Gutenberg block editor.
Indexing For filtering speed and optimization, FiboFilters creates custom database tables; we don’t rely on WordPress default tables
Automatic Source Analysis Algorithms analyze all sources of information within your store, such as categories, attributes, and suggest filter type you should implement
Frontend Preview soon In the filter creator you are given an instant preview of how particular elements will look like on the front end; it’s a feature directly borrowed from FiboSearch backend, so those familiar with our first plugin will feel right at home.
Other - -
Completes with FiboSearch FiboFilters form a great tandem with FiboSearch; offer your customers the best search and filtering experience you can find on the WooCommerce market.
Integrations with Dozens of Themes And Plugins
Multilingual Support (WPML and Polylang)
Simple Custom CSS for Individual Customization
Help with Embedding or Replacing the FiboFilters in any Theme


Modern, UX-friendly filtering solution for WooCommerce

Join thousands of entrepreneurs who’ve already trusted Fibo plugins.

Filter with Checkbox