
It's a changelog of the FiboFilters plugin.

  • Release Date - July 09, 2024

    Added Preloader for product placeholders.
    Added Range filter supports numeric values
    Fixed OceanWP theme – broken pages by incorrect product placeholder overriding.
    Fixed The product results counter was broken when there were different characters than the Hyphen, En dash, Em dash. These characters are normalized now.
  • Release Date - July 01, 2024

    Added Elementor integration – support for the Loop Grid widget.
    Added Elementor integration – support for the “Products” widget displayed on a custom Elementor page.
    Added Integration with the “Hide Categories and Products for Woocommerce” plugin.
    Added Integration with the XStore” theme.
    Added Integration with the “Polylang multilingual” plugin.
    Added Integration with the “Kadence Shop Kit products brands” module.
    Added Divi theme integration – allows displacing filters that correspond with the Woo Products” module.
    Added Caching the descriptors to static JSON files.
    Added Ability to display filters in a custom location.
    Added Ability to set the number of filter buttons in horizontal and mobile layouts.
    Added New pagination type – infinity scroll
    Added Integrate Elementor and Avada builders with the new feature of Infinity Scroll.
    Added Compatibility with the Kinsta Server Caching feature.
    Added Easier browsing of product categories displayed as a checkbox tree.
    Added Information about the number of products above the Show more products” button.
    Added Troubleshooting – checking whether a JSON file compression is enabled.
    Added Possibility to remove the “Show more products” button counter by filter.
    Fixed Elementor overwrites the colors set in theme integrations.
    Fixed WPML integration – possibility to translate phrases from the front using the WPML String Translation module.
    Fixed GeneratePress Premium theme – support for products per page.
    Fixed Woodmart theme – product placeholder and products per page value are now integrated.
    Fixed Divi theme – a PHP fatal error has occurred in some cases
    Fixed JavaScript error if the result count selector is empty.
    Fixed The index cache wasn't reloaded after the index build.
    Fixed Google PageSpeed Insights – accessibility errors solved.
    Fixed Google PageSpeed Insights – pagination links are crawlable now.
    Fixed Category filter links weren't crawlable in horizontal and mobile filter layouts.
    Fixed Speed optimization – unnecessary requests when loading filters were removed.
    Fixed A JavaScript error in the “Filter Builder” view on the Settings page.
    Fixed An incorrect products loading when the shop URL wasn't set.
    Fixed The filters shortcode – show filters on all screens by default when the filter location is set to “Custom location”.
    Fixed A fatal error while displaying filters when category term didn't exist.
    Fixed Products weren't displayed when their visibility was set to “Search results only” in the product edit view.
    Fixed Greek translation – wrong placeholder %S instead of lowercase %s.
    Fixed “Function \FiboFilters\Filtering\Front::get_config was called incorrectly” notice when editing a page with a FiboFilters block.
    Fixed Improvement of image placeholders in Astra, Electro and OceanWP themes.
    Fixed An error in hierarchical checkboxes in a case when a “Show empty filter values” option was disabled.
    Fixed Filters didn't work correctly when JSON files with descriptors were cached by CDN cache.
    Fixed Faster loading of the settings page.
    Fixed Preventing applying the opacity effect multiple times in hierarchical checkboxes.
    Tweak Loading the filters JavaScript file in the page head instead of at the end of the page load.
    Tweak Queuing JavaScript scripts as a new handler within theme integration.
    Tweak Unnecessary use of wpdb::prepare() when retrieving the descriptors from the database.
    Refactor Unused code related to filtering on a server-side was removed.
    Refactor Improved generation of dynamic price ranges in the Price filter type.
    Updated Translations including .pot, .po and .mo files.
    Updated Freemius SDK.
  • Release Date - April 18, 2024

    Added Scheduling indexing. It allows to rebuild the index automatically on a schedule.
    Added Added WP-CLI commands related to the index.
    Added Possibility to disable filters for debugging by adding the ?nofibofilters=1 parameter to the URL.
    Added Integration with the “WP Rocket” plugin.
    Added Integration with the “FlyingPress” plugin.
    Added Integration with the “Freestyle” theme.
    Added Integration with the “Breakdance builder” plugin.
    Added Possibility to sort products by stock status first, then by other values. It could be activated only by the WordPress filter hook.
    Added Troubleshooting - a new test for ambiguous and incorrectly configured stock status in variable products.
    Added Turkish translation.
    Added Lithuanian translation.
    Fixed Variable products could disappear from the products catalog when the wc_product_attribute_lookup table is corrupted or incomplete.
    Fixed Support for the “Post Card” feature in the Avada theme integration.
    Fixed Index building fails because of a “Duplicate entry...” error.
    Fixed Wrong pagination selector in the Avada theme integration.
    Fixed Incorrect price ranges that were generated in some price combinations.
    Fixed Woodmart” theme integration - products grid crashes after updating the “Woodmart” theme to v7.4.3`.
    Fixed The “Scroll to the top after selecting a filter value” functionality doesn't work.
    Fixed JS error when the first element of ranges is empty and there isn't a possibility to get the rounded_max variable.
    Fixed Language files for plugin settings are not loaded.
    Fixed Pagination - returning to page 1 in the browser history doesn't change the pagination state.
    Fixed Products can't be fetched when the “Shop” page is empty in the WooCommerce settings.
    Fixed Untranslated “Clear” text.
    Fixed An SQL error on the frontend when the index is not ready.
    Fixed Incorrect filter translations when the administrator's language differs from the website's language.
    Fixed Warning about using ReactDOM.render on the settings page.
    Tweak Hide the “Custom” filter location in the onboarding process.
    Tweak Remove unused code.
    Tweak Exposing some internal data that is helpful in debugging.
    Refactor Cleanup in the Request class.
    Refactor Rename “Products loading” to “Pagination types” in the plugin settings.
    Updated Freemius SDK.
  • Release Date - March 21, 2024

    Added Compatibility with the “Variation Swatches for WooCommerce - Pro” plugin.
    Added The CSS class was added to the counter for the “more/less” links to allow users to hide it via CSS.
    Added Swedish translation.
    Added Save indexer fail logs.
    Added Allowing to disable source value types analyzer.
    Added Add a filter to change content-aware filters ratio.
    Added Integration with the “YITH WooCommerce Wishlist” plugin.
    Added Integration with the “Pixel Manager for WooCommerce (Premium)” plugin.
    Added Possibility to hide filters by context (only by PHP snippets).
    Fixed Products disappear from filter results after editing them.
    Fixed The indexer error when filter value label is too long.
    Fixed The plugin settings cannot be saved when the "ESI in LiteSpeed Cache” is enabled.
    Fixed The index cannot be built when the "ESI in LiteSpeed Cache” is enabled.
    Fixed Typos in translations.
    Fixed Issues related to JS onpopstate event.
    Fixed GeneratePress theme - the FiboFilters plugin doesn't recognize GeneratePress settings because of the wrong order of WP hooks.
    Fixed Divi theme - memory limit exceeded error.
    Fixed Astra theme - hidden products when the "Reveal Effect” is enabled.
    Fixed An JS error related to infinity and -infinity types returned by Math.min.
    Fixed Invalid price ranges.
    Fixed Prevent empty url_label.
    Fixed Add a shop page as the base URL to fetch products to fix some integrations with themes.
    Fixed Page shifts after loading horizontal filters.
    Fixed Incorrect “Woocommerce Result Count” values in some cases.
    Tweak Triggering theme actions also after overwriting product placeholders.
    Tweak Index building time optimization.
    Tweak Restoring the default OR logic for the “Categories” filter when the “Checkboxes” type is selected.
    Updated Freemius SDK.
  • Release Date - March 04, 2024

    Added First public release