
FiboFilters is fully compatible with the Breakdance plugin by Soflyy, offering seamless integration for an enhanced filtering experience.

Table of Contents

Integration features


FiboFilters will automatically use the “Brand” and “Links” colors defined in the Breakdance “Global Settings”:

Specify colors in Breakdance template


FiboFilters includes a custom widget called FiboFilters that can be inserted into the Breakdance product archive template.

Products per page

FiboFilters will adhere to the “Products Per Page” setting configured under Global Settings > WooCommerce > Other > Product List in the Breakdance template. This ensures consistency in the number of products displayed per page.

Specify products per page in Breakdance settings

How to use FiboFilters with Breakdance

FiboFilters can be displayed either in the sidebar or above the products in the Breakdance layout. Here’s how to set it up:

Navigate to WooCommerce > FiboFilters > General and select “Sidebar” under the “Filters location” section:

FiboFilters: select sidebar layout for Breakdance

Adjust the tablet breakpoint to match Breakdance’s default breakpoint (1119px) for proper responsiveness:

Change tablet breakpoint in FiboFilters settings

Go to the Breakdance product archive template and add the FiboFilters widget to the sidebar:

Add FiboFilters widget to Breakdance sidebar

Once completed, the filters will appear in the sidebar and automatically shift to a horizontal layout when the tablet breakpoint is reached.

FiboFilters displayed in Breakdance sidebar

Above the products

Go to WooCommerce > FiboFilters > General and select “Above the products” under the “Filters location” section.

The filters will now be displayed horizontally above the product list, ensuring an intuitive filtering experience:

FiboFilters displayed above products in Breakdance

By following these steps, you can easily integrate and customize FiboFilters within your Breakdance-powered site for enhanced product filtering.