JavaScript events

FiboFilters triggers a series of JavaScript events that allow you to interact with and customize the filter elements or the rendered product grid. Below is a list of all the available events and their descriptions, along with examples on how to use them.

EventWhen it fires
fiboFilters.core.config_loadedAfter the filter configuration is loaded.
fiboFilters.core.initAfter the filters are initialized.
fiboFilters.core.descriptors_loadedAfter filter descriptors are loaded.
fiboFilters.core.filters_calculatedAfter the filters are calculated.
fiboFilters.renderer.before_get_visible_productsRight before the visible products are retrieved.
fiboFilters.renderer.products_loadedRight after the products are displayed.
fiboFilters.renderer.completedWhen the product grid rendering is complete.
fiboFilters.renderer.filters_displayedAfter the filters are displayed. It passes the current filter layout (mobile, horizontal, vertical) as an argument.
fiboFilters.renderer.offcanvas_openedWhen the off-canvas filter UI is opened.
fiboFilters.renderer.offcanvas_closedWhen the off-canvas filter UI is closed.
fiboFilters.renderer.mobile_overlay_openedWhen the mobile overlay filter UI is opened.
fiboFilters.renderer.mobile_overlay_closedWhen the mobile overlay filter UI is closed.
fiboFilters.renderer.no_resultsWhen there are no products to be displayed.
fiboFilters.renderer.product_placeholders_overwrittenWhen the product placeholder images are overwritten with actual product images.
fiboFilters.core.state_updatedWhen filters are selected and the state is updated.


Example 1

Display a message in the browser console when the products are reloaded after filtering.

	if (typeof fiboFilters !== 'undefined') {
		function fibofiltersGridReloaded() {
			console.log('Grid was reloaded');


Example 2

Display a message in the browser console when product grid rendering is complete.

	if (typeof fiboFilters !== 'undefined') {
		fiboFilters.hooks.addAction('fiboFilters.renderer.completed', 'fibofilters', () => {
			console.log('FiboFilters UI was rendered.');

Example 3

Display a message in the browser console when filters are displayed and show the current layout.

	if (typeof fiboFilters !== 'undefined') {
		fiboFilters.hooks.addAction('fiboFilters.renderer.filters_displayed', 'fibofilters', (layout) => {
			console.log(`Hook fired: fiboFilters.renderer.filters_displayed, layout: ${layout}`);

Example 4

Display a message in the browser console when filters are applied and the state is changed. The code also displays the change that’s taken place, together with the previous and new states.

	if (typeof fiboFilters !== 'undefined') {
		fiboFilters.hooks.addAction('fiboFilters.core.state_updated', 'fibofilters', (changes, oldState, newState) => {
			console.log(`Hook fired: fiboFilters.core.state_updated. changes,oldState,newState:`, changes, oldState, newState);

Example 5

Add custom HTML into the product grid. The example below will add HTML after every 4th product.

Inserting HTML into the product grid can break the layout in some themes. To avoid this, use the fiboFilters.renderer.fix_product_classes hook after modifying the grid.

if (typeof jQuery !== 'undefined' && typeof fiboFilters !== 'undefined') {
	fiboFilters.hooks.addAction('fiboFilters.renderer.products_loaded', 'fibofilters', () => {
		// Insert custom HTML after every 4th product in loop with selector `.products.columns-3`
		jQuery('.products.columns-3 li.product:nth-child(4n)').after('<li class="product my-custom-product"><div><img src="<?php echo wc_placeholder_img_src(); ?> " /><h3>My custom HTML</h3></div></li>');

The effect is depicted in the screenshot below:

FiboFilters: add custom HTML to the product grid