Displaying extra HTML in the filters

FiboFilters provides a PHP filter that you can use to insert extra HTML before, after, and between filter elements:

add_filter( 'fibofilters/config/extra_html', function ( $extra_html ) {
	$path = ''; // Define the localization of the HTML (check the "Paths" section below)
	$html = ''; // Define the HTML to be inserted
	$extra_html[ $path ] = $html;
	return $extra_html;
} );

Learn how to add this snippet to your WordPress.

Table of Contents


The path defines both the location where the HTML will be inserted and the specific filter to which the HTML will be applied.

Here’s a list of available locations:

  • vertical: display the HTML when filters are aligned vertically
  • off-canvas: display the HTML in the off-canvas when the horizontal layout is selected
  • mobile-overlay-all: display the HTML in the mobile overlay after the “All filters” button in clicked
  • mobile-overlay-single: display the HTML in the mobile overlay when a specific filter is clicked
  • horizontal-popover: display the HTML in the pop-over that appears when a specific filter is clicked
  • horizontal: display the HTML when filters are aligned horizontally
  • mobile: display the HTML in the horizontal mobile view

The format of the path is as follows:

Before the first filter
After the last filter
filter={filter_slug}/beforeAll locationsBefore the filter
filter={filter_slug}/afterAll locationsAfter the filter
Before the filter in a specific location
After the filter in a specific location
Before the filter button
After the filter button
Before the first filter button
After the last filter button
filter={filter_slug}/descriptionAll locationsDisplay the filter description. The description can’t be overridden for a specific location.

Note: you can use the filter ID instead of the filter slug in the paths.

The filter slug can be found in the filter details:

FiboFilters: get filter slug


Example 1: display extra HTML before the filter list in vertical position

The following code will display custom HTML before the first filter when the filters are aligned vertically:

add_filter( 'fibofilters/config/extra_html', function ( $extra_html ) {
	$extra_html['vertical/before_first_filter'] = '<div style="background-color: #e9c600; padding: 6px 12px; color: white; font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 4px;">Vertical / before first filter</div>';
	return $extra_html;
} );

Learn how to add this snippet to your WordPress.

And here’s the effect:

FiboFilters: display extra HTML before the filter list

Example 2: display extra HTML before a specific filter in horizontal position

The following code will display custom HTML before the price filter’s button in horizontal position:

add_filter( 'fibofilters/config/extra_html', function ( $extra_html ) {
	$extra_html['horizontal/filter=price/before_button'] = '<div style="background-color: #e9c600; padding: 6px 12px; color: white; font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 4px; margin-right: 8px;">Horizontal / before the price filter</div>';
	return $extra_html;
} );

Learn how to add this snippet to your WordPress.

And here’s the effect:

FiboFilters: display extra HTML before the price filter

Example 3: display filter description

The following code will display the filter description for all filters in all locations. The code retrieves the list of filters and applies the extra HTML to all of them.

add_filter( 'fibofilters/config/extra_html', function ( $extra_html ) {
	$settings = FiboFilters\DI\ContainerWrapper::get_instance()->get( FiboFilters\Settings\Settings::class );
	$filters  = $settings->get( 'filters_filters' );
	if ( ! empty( $filters ) ) {
		foreach ( $filters as $filter ) {
			$extra_html['filter=' . $filter['id'] . '/description'] = '<div style="background-color: #e9c600; padding: 6px; color: black; margin-bottom: 4px;">' . $filter['label'] . ' / description</div>';
	return $extra_html;
} );

Learn how to add this snippet to your WordPress.

And here’s the effect:

FiboFilters: display filter description for all filters

Example 4: display extra HTML in the horizontal pop-over for a specific filter

The following code will display custom HTML in the pop-over for the color filter:

add_filter( 'fibofilters/config/extra_html', function ( $extra_html ) {
	$extra_html['horizontal-popover/filter=color/before'] = '<div style="background-color: #e9c600; padding: 6px 12px; color: white; font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 4px; margin-right: 8px;">Horizontal pop-over / before the color filter</div>';
	return $extra_html;
} );

Learn how to add this snippet to your WordPress.

And here’s the effect:

FiboFilters: display extra HTML in the filter pop-over

Example 5: display extra HTML before the color filter in the mobile overlay

The following code will display custom HTML before the color filter in the mobile overlay when the “All filters” button is clicked:

add_filter( 'fibofilters/config/extra_html', function ( $extra_html ) {
	$extra_html['mobile-overlay-all/filter=color/before'] = '<div style="background-color: #e9c600; padding: 6px 12px; color: white; font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 4px; margin-right: 8px;">Mobile overlay all / before the color filter</div>';
	return $extra_html;
} );

Learn how to add this snippet to your WordPress.

And here’s the effect:

FiboFilters: display extra HTML in the mobile overlay