At this time, we are unable to implement FSE (Full Site Editing) support in FiboFilters due to the following technical limitations:
Interactivity API Restrictions
The Interactivity API used by WooCommerce is closed and not available as a separate JavaScript package that can be imported externally. This API is distinct from the one available in the WordPress core and functions as an independent implementation.
Non-Interactive Products
Even if we manage to load additional products by loading the whole HTML and extracting products from the source, once these products are inserted into the product container, they remain non-interactive. This issue directly impacts functionalities such as the “Add to Cart” button, which fails to work for these dynamically loaded products.
Lack of API Access for Dynamic Activation
Since the Interactivity API is not publicly accessible, it is impossible to execute the necessary code to make dynamically loaded products interactive once they are rendered on the page.
Due to these constraints, implementing FSE support would result in a suboptimal user experience and potentially break key WooCommerce functionalities. We are monitoring developments around the WooCommerce Interactivity API and will revisit this decision if the situation changes in the future.